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科技潮物 Phone+Book

编辑: Mavis   资料来源: Fine Born China  发表时间:2013-09-28 08:00

Book在我们的生活中扮演着重要角色,Phone亦是如此。如何才能将phone和Book组合起来?近日,来自台湾的知名设计师 KBme2 给出了一份完美的组合方案。KBme2 推出 iphone 周边配件创意设计,并命名为「Phone+Book」。

Phone+Book 基本上是一本剪贴簿,我们可以在上面涂鸦笔记,并把所有灵感拼贴纪录下来。细心一看,不难发现它的两侧巧妙的设计有凹槽,尺寸大小刚好可以将iphone 以及一支铅笔紧密嵌入厚厚的本子中。如此以来,我们既方便一边以铅笔素描,一边使用数位科技上网找资料。另外,在页面设计上,更印有图表、灰点以及红线,蓝色跨页,满足各样使用需求。这个创新的数位素描本,专为 iphone 4 以及之后的版本所打造。

如此美妙的 Phone+Book,身为潮人的你,心动了吗?


The phone+book by taiwanese designers at kbme2 makes it possible to easily connect ideas from a digital source, while at the same time documenting them by hand. the phone sits within a cut out slot, giving designers, researchers and the like the opportunity to browse and source information while directly recording it on paper. spontaneous ideas can be immediately jotted down, or concentrated sketches copied over. a customized pencil also slots within the interior of the book, and can not only be used for writing and drawing but also turned upside down and used to scroll through the phone. the phone+book is a discreet piece, enabling creative ventures during those long meetings when it's important to look busy.

the phone sits within a cut out slot inside the book

the book's design connects the digital with the process of documenting ideas down by hand


up close view of the cut out slots in the book and the space next to it for writing

a customized pencil also slots within the book, that can be used both on the paper and the phone

the book empty

up close of the pencil and cut out slot to hold the phone

spontaneous ideas can be immediately jotted down, or concentrated sketches copied over from the phone


detail of the book's exterior construction

up close of the phonebook by kbme2

logo by kbme2

the custom designed phonebook by kbme2



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