作为一个果粉,应该具备哪些时尚“利器”呢?今日,FineBornChina 向你推荐iPad 绘画利器和 iPhone 底座,一起来看看这些利器的厉害之处吧。
iPad 绘画利器:Intuos Creative Stylus 压感笔
日本品牌 Wacom 推出 Intuos Creative Stylus 压感笔,可谓是iPad 绘画利器。Intuos 压感触控笔是在iPad上进行创作的完美手写笔。它提供了一种自然、真实、简单的方法,用于勾画、描绘和展现您的想法。独一无二的2048级压敏笔尖,它能够带给您如同真实画笔、钢笔和记号笔在纸上一般的艺术创作方式。
Working on your iPad with the wrong stylus is like trying to do some paint touch-up with a fire hose; things can easily get off the mark, presenting you with more work than you originally intended. This is especially important for those who like to write, design, draw, and mark-up work using their tablet as a key part of their work. Wacom’s Intuos Creative Stylus, however, solves all those qualms with a professional-grade, pressure-sensitive styli that provides the level of precision and cost that you’ve been looking for. Designed to be incredibly light with an excellent battery life, the Intuos connects via Bluetooth 4.0 and wields 2,048 levels of sensitivity, housed within a sleek brushed aluminum case with a comfortable grip. Click after the jump to see more looks of styli and the nifty case it comes with, which is available now directly Wacom online.
iPhone 底座:Roberto Paoli 壁挂式底座
iPhone 的配件层出不穷,厂家和设计师的创意永远没有尽头。仔细看图片,还以为把iphone放进去了一个香皂盒。其实。这是 Roberto Paoli 壁挂式 iPhone 底座。把iphone插到上面,除了基本的充电功能外,还能够通过发出不同颜色的光来提醒使用者短信等各种信息,分别有红蓝绿等等,产品照还特别用了五颜六色的 iPhone 5C 来演示,跟底座非常搭配。另外底座本身还内置了音响,从视觉到听觉都能服务于整个环境。