关于Joyrich 品牌
Joyrich是来自好莱坞的世界知名时尚潮牌。JOYRICH是由创意总监Taka Okude带领设计师Leah Schmidt及David Melgar以具国际观的视野发展品牌,设计概念混合了复古与前卫元素,强调创造品牌独特性和丰富多变的流行观点。借鉴於各年代服装设计且融合了数种次文化精神本质延伸创造出新的Joyrich风格,让服饰多了一份趣味性也增添了休闲性以及丰富性,逐渐的这些独特流行艺术图案已经成为JOYRICH品牌印象,因此吸引了许多世界各地的歌手及名人成为品牌忠实爱好。
“Casual-rich” L.A. streetwear brand
With creative direction by Taka Okude and design by Leah Schmidt and David Melgar, the Joyrich brand is developed from an international perspective. The team’s mix of influences culminates with a “retro-future” flair inspired by iconic items of past generations to create the brand’s unique and characteristic Joyrich colorful pop textiles.
Drawing on a variety of design sources, Joyrich blends the essence of several styles to create balanced pieces that are always fun to wear and that suggest an aura of both casualness and richness. Layered upon this are pop art graphics that have become the trademark of Joyrich pieces, attracting musicians and celebrities around the world since arriving on the market.