之前FineBornChina介绍过七款iPhone车载充电器精选。今天FineBornChina继续为您推荐新型移动电源 ChargeCard 。
You've got a wallet full of cards that'll get you things. They’ll pay the check, get you library books, and snag that tenth sandwich for free. But we found a card that will bring you power. Real power.
It’s the ChargeCard, a USB charging cable for your iPod, iPhone or Android phone that fits in your wallet! It replaces the charging cable that came with your phone, but it’s the exact same size as a credit card.No more keeping a spare cables in the car and at the office. No more dead phone at your pal's house because all their cables are for the wrong phone.
With the ChargeCard in your wallet, you’ll have the only cable you need, wherever you go, and no more piles of cable s'ghetti at the bottom of your camera bag.Move over blockbuster membership card (wait, you still have one of those??) -- there’s a new life changing, or uh, life charging card in town.