不可否认的是,非洲异端宗教、萨满巫术以及占卜术是非洲文化中不可割裂的一部分并存在于非洲海地及加勒比海群岛地区。近日,Rebel Yuths的设计师Damier Johnson在品牌最新的ORISHA系列中体现了非洲异端文化。不难发现,该系列以非洲式图腾,宗教符号和非洲巫术仪式上的巫师为主打基调,多样化的色彩,矩阵式的排列让这些传统图纹传递出一种时尚神秘气息。
Rebel Yuths new collection entitled “ORISHA” (Initiations), is inspired by the African background of designer Damier Johnson. This time Damier plays with a very strong and important subject in the African society where people still strongly believe in other forces of the universe widely known as Voodoo of which the Orishas are the main protagonists representing the almighty powers ruling the universe.
This preview is focused on the life of young people from West Africa, Haiti and Caribbean islands where the voodoo practic and believes still play an important role in their daily life.
The complete collection will be presented during MQ Vienna Fashion Week on September 11, 2013.