想要在世界田径锦标赛获取胜利,参赛者的艰辛训练是不可或缺的,同时一双好的运动跑步鞋是必不可少的,它也为在比赛中扮演着着重要的角色。在2013 Running World Track & Field Championships Collection(第十四届世界田径锦标赛 NIKE 指定鞋款)中,人们的目光都集中Nike Flyknit Racer Turquoise鞋履。近日,Nike Flyknit Racer Turquoise正式释出。
该鞋履以黑白铺排以及鲜蓝配色。鞋履支撑结构通过编织融于Flyknit鞋面中,不需要缝合线,不增加重量,不产生摩擦区,保持鞋子的轻便。该时尚鞋履以一体成形无缝的设计作卖点,集合透气性,柔韧性及支撑性三大重要元素于一身的 Nike 。鲜蓝配色,夺目耀眼的外型,喜欢的朋友请密切留意进一步发售消息。
The huge selection of specialty footwear Nike Running issued for the 2013 World Track and Field Championships included seventeen different shoes. The only one we knowfor sure that’s releasing to the public so far is this Nike Flyknit Racer pictured above. This upcoming release turns it down a notch in following up on the ‘Multicolor’ pair that stood out as one of the summer season’s ‘it’ sneakers. They’re done entirely in turquoise, black and white and you’ll want to see thewoven detail including asymmetrical layout in more images below, and be sure to stick with Sneaker News for the release date for these and the whole Flyknit family.