DEE & RICKY,纽约二人组,以搞怪创意闻名于潮流界。近日,DEE & RICKY 携手PONY 推出联名系列,并亲身上阵拍摄型录。时尚品牌 PONY 遇上风格活泼的双胞胎设计师Dee & Ricky,究竟会擦出怎样鲜艳有趣的火花?请跟随FineBornChina来欣赏Dee & Ricky这次搞怪创意吧。
该系列的设计灵感来源于纽约地铁,把纽约地铁地图的圆圈标识拼出P O N Y字样印在单品上。而球鞋则以狂野的红蓝条纹铺排出复古气息。该系列包括有亮丽服饰,时尚运动鞋,酷型棒球夹克等等。据悉,该系列将于9月25日开始发售。
The dynamic twins, Dee & Ricky, are back at it again with PONY for another round of collaboration for the Fall/Winter 2013 season. Taking inspiration from the New York City subway system, the pieces embody iconic elements, such as signage and color schemes from the transit system. All of the items reflect the fun personality of the twins, yet the cohesive range leaves a strong impression. Included in this season are three sneaker models, one varsity jacket, two vests, sweatpants, and a t-shirt. These special releases are set to launch from Wednesday, September 25, at select PONY retailers internationally.