运动与时尚没有国界,无论是优雅还是俏皮,融入运动元素,都会让整个人变得有型起来。在运动的同时也可以保持时髦姿态。为了追求时尚活力运动风,不少品牌都向这种运动进发,推出既时尚又实用的跑步套装。UNDERCOVER x Nike GYAKUSOU正是这样的一个成功品牌。
Nike经常会和一些国际上,知名度高的设计师们联手进行跨界合作。不同风格相结合,设计出来的产品往往能让人们眼前一亮,这种联合设计的形式,不免会为他们的新品发布而赚足眼球。最终合作出来的产品效果也应该是集各家之长,具有鲜明的风格和特色。近日,Nike携手UNDERCOVER的设计师高桥盾(Jun Takahashi)共同推出GYAKUSOU 2013 秋冬系列 Lookbook。
UNDERCOVER的设计师高桥盾十分钟爱跑步。他日式的优雅设计加上Nike多年制作运动服所累积的经验,所得出的作品效果总是相当的迷人。Nike找来了日籍设计师高桥盾及他的设计团队GIRA合力开设了一条名为GYAKUSOU的支线系,主打创新、轻便、透气、防水等功能性跑步装备。该系列带来多套全新跑步装束,包括防水和防风的 Softshell Jacket,著重轻量化设计的Lightweight Jacket,以及数款以 Dri-FIT 技术打造的上衣和短裤等等。
据悉,该系列将于今年 10 月正式在全球 Nike 零售商推出。
Nike and UNDERCOVER have unveiled their 2013 holiday lookbook for the latest GYAKUSOU collection. The GYAKUSOU collection combines the latest Nike innovations with UNDERCOVER designer Jun Takahashi’s refined aesthetic. For the first time in the GYAKUSOU collection, separate garments are featured allowing runners to layer and add a personal touch with an array of textiles and tonal garments. The Nike Aeroloft Vest that Takahashi incorporates spearheads the collection and embodies the clean and simple look. Dubbed the “most advanced performance running apparel innovation,” the black Aeroloft Vest seen in the lookbook is perfect for layering over the Dri-FIT Thermal Top, Dri-FIT Long-Sleeve Top, and Dri-FIT Short-Sleeve Top. A clean grey hooded Softshell jacket is also included in the collection to provide the body in motion with additional protection against the elements. Onboard the Softshell Jacket is the Nike Sphere Dry Brushed Mesh, which provides added breathability.
The signature Gyakusou men’s Long Tights and Mixed Long Pants, alongside the women’s Convertible Skirt, all feature a combination of Dri-Fit fabrics. The collection also features a Knit Cap, Thermal Running Gloves, and Dri-FIT Neck Warmer to cater towards those in cooler climates. The 2013 holiday collection is set to reach select stockists this October.