近日,SONY 官方在东京召开了PlayStation发布会,为玩家带来了第二代PS Vita掌机——PCH-2000。从发布会现场所传出的信息显示,新一代PS Vita掌机较现役产品主要在外观和硬件配置方面有着明显的区别,细节功能方面未作太大变化。新一代PS Vita的部份键位发生了轻微变化,外观更加圆润并且拥有多种外观颜色可选。
PS Vita 2000的厚度仅为15mm,整机重量为219g,分别较现役机型减少了15%和20%,更加便携。其次,新一代PS Vita内存容量升级至1GB,采用了标准microUSB数据接口,续航时间达到了6小时,比现役机型长了1小时。
据悉PS Vita 2000将在2013年10月10日在日本首发,Wi-Fi版税后售价19929日元(约合1223元人民币),暂无3G版机型售价信息。感兴趣的朋友尽早准备。
A redesigned version of PlayStation Vita is heading to Japan on Oct. 10 in six colors and with a more lightweight hardware design, it was announced during today's Sony conference from Japan.
The PCH-2000 series is 20 percent thinner and 15 percent lighter than current PS Vita models. It features a 5-inch LCD display, alongside a 1 GB memory card and an expanded battery life that takes its full battery life to six hours. The redesign comes in white, blue, yellow, pink, grey and black colored models and is said to offer more casual usability.Sony also announced a new 64 GB memory card, slated to release at a later date.The new model will be available on Oct. 10 in Japan, with a price point of 18,980 yen. No North American release date or price point was announced during the conference.