随着街头文化的流行,不管在世界哪个角落,你都能看到多种时尚街头风格。 街头服饰开始趋向追求个性和与众不同,各种街头风格服饰千花百门、迷乱人心。来自英国街头品牌 Maharishi 延伸出来的支线 MHI by Maharishi 相较于主线的军事风格,时尚元素的融入与科技面料的融入使其更具街头风格。近日,MHI by Maharishi 释出2013秋冬型录,再次掀起街头潮流风。
MHI by Maharishi 2013秋冬型录
该系列 MHI 在海员夹克、伐木工衬衫以及来源于 N-3B 大衣等单品的基础上,设定撞色补强、拼接等街头元素,并将类似涂鸦的变型橡树迷彩运用在外套、衬衫、 T 恤以及卫衣中。简单的设计,流畅的剪裁,加上面带胡须模特不羁的亲身演绎,将英式的街头气概展现的淋漓尽致。据悉,该系列已上市。
MHI may be an imprint of the widely-praised maharishi label, but the brand looks equitably strong as it presents its lookbook for Fall/Winter 2013. Extended military silhouettes and technical materials are all in place throughout, yet there’s a street-ready, more approachable flair about this offering that sets it apart. Printed T-shirts play a large role within the collection, as do motifs such as tree bark camouflage and classic lumberjack-style flannel. The outerwear in particular retains a sleek appearance in dark colors, pairing well with MHI’s similarly slim utility trousers.