想象一下当你行走在街头的时候,忽然间看到如此可爱的面孔就在转角的街口凝视着你,关注着你的一言一行,那是如此美妙生趣的一种感觉啊。My Dog Sighs将废弃的易拉罐回收之后,变废为宝,在易拉罐的底部画上各式脸谱,赋予了它们欢乐喜忧。
The UK based street artist known as My Dog Sighs has been leaving recycled pieces, like the ones shown here, on the streets for unexpected citizens to
pick up and enjoy. He takes recycled cans, crushes them, spray paints them and paints these unique faces that beckon to be taken home.
My Dog Sigh’s project, called FreeArtFriday, has spread throughout the world, with thousands of members now participating and turning the streets
of their towns into a fun, free art show.