虽然有时也会有感“夜来风雨声,花落知多少。”,但是对于花朵的热爱却是无与伦比的。新加坡摄影师Fong Qi Wei拍摄了一组名为《Exploded Flowers》的照片。照片以拆散的花为主题,将花朵的细腻巧妙以独特的方式呈现在大家眼前。他将这些大家熟知的玫瑰、荷花、兰花拆散后重新组合,铺展在纯白的画布上。这些作品仿似夜空中怒放的花朵,充满了爆发力与感染力。
"Flowers," notes artist Qi Wei Fong, "are indeed one of the most beautiful and complex structures found in Nature, designed specifically for the purpose of
reproduction." In his Exploded Flower compositions, the Singaporean photographer lays bare the individual components of each bloom to reveal the hidden
architecture—the structural complexity, and radial symmetry—of these botanicals. In so doing he expresses not only the rare beauty, but also the expressive
dynamism, of flowers.