捷克一名27岁的英语教师Brad Hammonds受经典科幻电影《黑客帝国》中“子弹时间”场景的启发,拍摄了一组十分生动有趣并且十分神奇的“时空冻结”照片。Brad Hammonds对“感情延迟”这种说法十分的感兴趣。所谓感情延迟就是指没有一个瞬间是真实发生的,除非这个瞬间已经结束。当一个瞬间正在发生时,大脑也正在处理这个瞬间的数据。就在这个时刻,事情发生。也就在这个时刻,事情结束。Brad Hammonds这组作品通过让观看者透过画面来感受他或者她画面中正在经历的糟糕一刻,且正在继续进行的瞬间。画面中的人物都以一种摔倒的姿势存在,摄影师想通过这组让大家感受一下他的“感情延迟”的观点。
Hammonds exhibits a remarkable calmness (especially in his relaxed facial features) in his series, titled Falling Through Space, which is meant to reflect "emotional delay." The photographer says, "The theme of these photos centers around how one can never truly experience the full sensations of any moment until it has already passed." He adds, "When a viewer sees one of my images and questions my safety and ability to appear so calm, I feel satisfied that my goal has been met." Hammonds doesn't divulge all of his photographic secrets in accomplishing the gravity-defying images, but insists that planning and preparation are key to his process.