破碎,有的时候也是一种残缺之美,智利艺术家Livia Marin历时两年创作的系列雕塑作品《broken things》。有些许作品就仿似耐不住那高温的天气,与冰块一般,悄然融化;又仿似它也是有情有义的个体,心中伤感不已,默默地留下了热泪。虽则不完整,但这种残缺却也令人赞叹。尤其是那连续性的花纹,俨然一个整体,美的无以复加。
A stunning series of sculptures named “Nomad Patterns” composed of 32 pieces by Chilean artist Livia Marin, who imagined ceramic bowls, tea pots, vases and cups melting on flat surfaces while maintaining their original patterns. “By appropriating mass-market objects I seek to offer through the work a reflection on how we particularize our relation to them. I reflect on how, in a secular and materialist society, identities are increasingly designated through the material tokens derived from consumerism”.