近日,来自意大利工业设计师 Sabrina Fossisabrina fossi 设计的这系列Freakish挂钟正好体现这这一极简主义哲学。该挂钟把繁复的时针数字集中为一个三角形角落,分针则没有任何指示,只能看个大概。
Freakish 挂钟由纯手工制作,设计直径30cm,厚度2cm。目前该系列有黑色,黄色,绿色等多个颜色选择,满足消费者的需求。请活在当下,但又切勿被时间捆绑,这款Freakish挂钟名副其实简约不简单,这是小编欣赏该系列后的想法。不知读者你们又在这款挂钟读出了什么?
Sabrina Fossi官方报道如下:
Wanting to minimize the concept of time, italian industrial designer sabrina fossi has created the bold and simple 'freakishclock'. the hand-made object measuring 30 cm in diameter and 2 cm in thickness, makes a sharp statement - that it is the minute differences and details that distinguish objects. the clocks are made from plastic and come in a variety of color combinations. the screw mounted freakish wall clock stands out as an aesthetic piece as well as keeping its main purpose, which is to tell the time.
freakishclock yellow
freakishclock black
freakishclock green
freakishclock pois