废弃的学校巴士能成为一座豪华住所吗?或许许多人觉得答案是否定的。但是,生活充满着无限创意与惊喜,Hank Butitta就把一台废弃的学校巴士改造成为一座豪华住所。
Hank Butitta,美国的建筑系学生,为了使自己的毕业作品能胜人一筹,就选择了创造一座真正的住所为毕业作品。Hank Butitta购买了一台废弃的学校巴士,把废弃校巴撤掉所有座椅后,还剩余约23平方米空间可用于改造。
Hank Butitta把整个校巴规划分为浴室、厨房、休息、睡眠等四块区域。整台巴士以木质材料为主打元素,铺满天花板,地板和墙壁之外,连空间设计也全使用木头呈现。校巴豪华住所空间设计更是费尽心思,他巧妙运用摺叠、收纳、隐藏来创作视觉空间,更增强实用性且能够到处移动。
据悉,Hank Butitta计划在15周完工后邀请一群伙伴完成目标8000公里的环州旅程。校巴里的神秘豪华住所,你心动了吗?
Architecture Student Converts School Bus Into Cozy Home
School buses are so much fun. The springy seats, the awkward-to-open windows, the rumbling engine—it all hearkens back to a time in your life when you were younger, happier and worry-free. But did you ever imagine living in one? Hank Butitta did.By his last semester at architecture school, Butitta had grown weary of doing projects that only existed on paper, ones that were destined to be filed away and forgotten. He got sick of making things that nobody cared about. So what did he do? He bought a school bus.
Over the course of 15 weeks, Butitta transformed the standard issue vehicle into a sleek and modern home. Equipped with all the necessary conveniences including two beds, a small kitchen and a bathroom, the converted school bus could rival any recreational vehicle in functionality—but it's truly one-of-a-kind on all other counts.
Once he'd given his final presentation, Butitta and some friends embarked on a 5,000-mile road trip to test it out.