FineBornChina之前报道过《蜗居生活 Jakub Szczesny打造出全球最窄的屋子》,为许多正在奋斗的蜗居们提供了参考方案。近日,在FAKRO公司举办的设计大赛脱颖而出的著名丹麦设计师 Mateusz Mastalski和 Ole Robin Storjohann 更创意般设计出一种新的蜗居方式---壁挂式微型蜗居。
Two Denmark architects have designed a concept for narrow apartments that fill tiny gaps between existing buildings.Mateusz Mastalski and Ole Robin Storjohann's project Live Between Buildings proposes a series of micro-home apartments for urban living. In the designs, the tiny living quarters are proposed in playful shapes including an X, an O, a cloud, a tree, , a speech bubble and a space invader.
Diagram - Waska 4, Wroclaw, Poland
The designers have illustrated, in a series of diagrams, how their concept could work in highly dense cities such as New York, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Helsinki and London.
Diagram - 153 West 35th street, New York, USA
Mastalski and Storjohann's concept recently won the annual New Vision of the Loft 2 design award, organised by roof window manufacturer Fakro and A10 New European architecture magazine.
The competition asked designers to develop concepts for urban loft spaces that would be functional, space-saving, energy-efficient and full of natural light. All entries had to include Fakro products, as well as others.
Diagram - Kanaalstraat 2, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fakro has said that the winning infill-loft dwellings could be realised entirely out of roof windows. "The possibility of shapes is endless," the firm added.
Diagram - Shibuya-ku, Yoyogi, Tokyo-to, Japan
In related news, the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) in the UK published a consultation this week, about minimum space standards for new build homes.