借着这股强劲的伦敦奥运风,Fine Born China在创刊号中主打英伦风情。但如此经典的英格兰怎能一次就介绍完全?因此在9月份的杂志中,我们精心制作了“英国制造”专题,从工业领域讲述日不落帝国的不老神话。阿斯顿马丁(Aston Martin)、宾利(Bentley)、圣汐(Sunseeker)等英国奢华产品的品牌代表,用最新产品诠释了英国出色的设计理念和精湛技艺。
沐浴了经典英伦风,请跟随我们进行美妙的世界之旅。在苏格兰单一麦芽威士忌的醇香中启程,跨越英吉利海峡到达浪漫的法国彼岸,一品多情香槟的馥郁芬芳;英国豪宅与北美豪宅孰是孰非,PK大战精彩不容错过;秋冬将至,雨果博斯(Hugo Boss)2012年秋冬新款时装秀华丽上演……有Fine Born China的地方就有精彩,欢迎享用我们真诚奉上的这场精彩绝伦的视听盛宴。The first issue of Fine Born China revolved around the culture of Britain, and last month’s games of the 30th Olympiad presented a fantastic background into the proud nation we focused our opening edition on.
An opening ceremony that provided an insight into the typical eccentric British humor and proud history was superb, what sums up the peculiar British witticism more than the queen jumping from a helicopter? – It was quintessentially British.
September’s Fine Born China continues this theme into our ‘Made in Britain’ feature. With London being the financial centre of the world it is often overlooked that the UK still possesses the expertise to produce the most luxurious products– Aston Martin, Bentley and Sunseeker yachts make an appearance this month as an example of decades of exceptional British design and craftsmanship.
It’s not all about Britain this month though. We also take you on an international journey; I recommend starting off in Europe with deluxe single malt whiskies from Scotland, make your way across th English Channel to the finest champagnes the French have to offer, and finally finish off with the most elegant residences of North America.
There’s certainly no half measures when it comes to the content of Fine Born China, we only include what we think is exceptional; anything else is simply cut at the first hurdle.
I hope you agree, enjoy the read.Liam Dempsey, Editor
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