Made in Britain.英国制造日不落帝国的不老传说.18世纪发源于英格兰中部地区声势浩大的工业革命,奠定了大英帝国全球经济贸易的统治者地位 。英国的纺织工业、汽车制造业和造船业在19世纪和20世纪盛极一时。广阔无际的海洋上,英国皇家海军浩浩荡荡,为大不列颠帝国成为毋庸置疑的海上霸主保驾护航。日不落帝国的荣耀迅速登上历史的巅峰。<br>然而,盛极而衰是任谁都逃脱不掉的魔咒。随着大英帝国日益衰落,英国制造业逐渐沉寂,服务业作为新兴行业走上历史的舞台。很多工业基地转移到国外,一些知名大品牌也被其他国家公司购买。<br>但总体来说,英国工业并未完全衰败。英国资质和特色的代表性品牌不遗余力地向世人展示英国传统精华的不朽魅力。时尚界以定制男士服饰物品为特色的杰明街(Jermyn Street)依然蓬勃繁荣;詹姆斯?邦德(James Bond电影系列中超级座驾阿斯顿马丁(Aston Martin)因出色的表现而备受推崇;MINI作为英国工业制造和设计的文化符号依旧屹立不倒;很多华游艇品牌也从英国丰富的海事知识中得到启发,致力于标榜昔日的海上力量。<br>如今,英国的设计理念和创新精神仍为世界瞩目。这位极为看重产品品质的生产者将目光锁定更高端的产品。尽管昔日无与伦比的荣耀已成为历史,有着众多已取得巨大成功的世界知名品牌的英国,在未来发展的道路上仍会毅然决然地前行。Following the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century, the British Empire dominated world trade with an economy that spanned the globe. Along with the undisputed supremacy of the Royal Navy, Britannia ruled the waves as the world's leading Great Power. However, with the breakup of the Empire and the shift to the service sector, British manufacturing went into decline as new superpowers took to the stage.<br>But despite much of Britain's manufacturing base moving abroad, British industry as a whole still goes strong. Even big brand names now owned by foreign companies have continued to display their British heritage. Asprey boasts a hugely successful range of exquisite fashion products, Aston Martin remains immortalised by the iconic James Bond films, and Sunseeker draws inspiration for its luxury yachts from Britain's rich maritime past.<br>Today, British industry is a source of design, innovation and creativity. With its focus on more high-end products, Britain's status as a high quality producer remains undiminished. And although its glory days may have passed, successful global brands have kept British heritage fashionable.<br>The future of British brands is bright.
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