App Instagram摇身变为实体Instagram Socialmatic相机

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络 图源于网络       发表时间:2013-08-27 08:00

 以摄影为主的社交网络App Instagram曾言要推出实体相机的消息,而昨日这个概念产品变成了现实,名字定为Instagram Socialmatic,即将于明年春季上市。


Instagram Socialmatic是第一款将App变为实体相机的产物,也是对Instagram这种热门的网络照片分享方式一种认同,从而对摄影产生很大的影响。实体Instagram Socialmatic相机由拍立得公司与宝丽莱公司携手合作生产。Instagram Socialmatic的规格为16GB存储空间、支持Wifi和蓝牙连接、4.3触控屏幕、两枚镜头(1400万像素后置镜头与200万像素前置镜头)并支持光学变焦、LED闪光灯、通过特殊的打印机书讲照片打印在相纸上。 











Instagram Socialmatic采用双镜头设计,一枚镜头用于发布共享到网络上的照片,另一枚镜头用来拍摄用于机身打印照片和保存在机身内部高分辨率照片使用。Instagram Socialmatic配置Android系统,而iOS用户只能在上市后再做一番等待了。


Instagram Socialmatic相机售价为299美元。喜爱App Instagram赶紧入手实体Instagram Socialmatic相机吧。


We've thought a new way to intend the digital photography, to recover  the beauty of the shoots from the past and merge it with the future technology and new trends:

14Mpx Frontal Camera
2Mpx Rear Camera
LED Flash
4.3” Touchscreen
4GB Internal Storage
Stereo Speakers
GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth
Frontal LCD with Mood Assistant A.I.
Socialmatic Instant Filters
Zink Instant Printer
Remote Printing Capabilities
SD-HDC for External Storage
Socialmatic Network Compliant
The project in brief[Show as slideshow]


Make room in your bag for a must-have gadget.
 Prepare your hands to control the passion, the instantaneous need to live the moments, sharing and printing them. In the real world.Following them all around the world.Because your “Hello!” can be shot in Italy, printed in France and moved in USA.


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