科技潮物 Apple iPhone 5c
Apple 公司最新的发布会终于结束了,其推出的哪些最新单品自然是各位最为关心的一个话题。苹果CEO库克把加州库比蒂诺苹果总部礼堂的聚光灯让给了全球营销总监菲尔•席勒,iPhone 5c随即正式浮出水面,苹果遍布全球的竞争对手和数码爱好者开始屏息以待。数据上,蓝牙4.0,2.4GHz,5GHz Wi-Fi并分为16G与32G两个版本,采用背照式/BSI CMOS传感器类型,前置摄像头像素为120万,LED补光灯...... 与之间曝光的数据倒是相差不多。
Apple iPhone 5c打破苹果传统系列手机产品设计配色,目前有红,黄,蓝,绿颜色配色。另外Apple iPhone 5c采用了5种颜色的聚碳酸酯材质机身,苹果还令人惊讶地为其打造了色系更为繁多的洞洞保护壳。
据悉,iPhone 5c在9月13日便会开始预订,20日开始发售。
Coming soon from Apple is the long-rumored iPhone 5c. A new addition to the iPhone family and meant as a low-cost option to those already available, the 5c features many of the internal components of Apple’s iPhone 5, but sees a completely redesigned exterior of colorful plastic. Inside, the 5c comes powered by the 5′s A6 processor and features an 8MP iSight camera, an improved HD FaceTime camera, and connectivity support for Bluetooth 4.0 and both 802.11a/b/g/n 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi. With a two-year contract, 16GB models are set to retail for $99 USD while 32GB will run $199 USD. Look for the phones to be available to pre-order beginning Friday, September 13 while a release is set for September 20.