Interwine 国际名酒展之智利,延续优质与多彩

编辑: Jessica  发表时间:2013-07-09 06:52












       智利葡萄酒协会亚太地区总监贝尔纳多∙霍格德先生致辞时谈到,在中国新设立的代表处向人们展示了智利葡萄酒卓越的品质及多样性,增加了新的沟通渠道、直接的贸易机会,并促进新的智利酒庄入驻中国市场。”我们期待中国市场对智利葡萄酒的认同,正如它为世界所熟知的品质及多样性。毫无疑问,在上海开设的全新代表处向所有亚洲消费者以及智利生产商打开了一条便利的通道。我们对于这一新的进程表示非常欣慰。我们对于建立这个新代表处感到非常高兴,它将会成为一扇向中国高标准的进口商、分销商和消费者展现智利葡萄酒的优势、多样性、以及其国际公认的卓越品质的窗口。” 霍格德先生如是说。















   On Friday 31st June, Fine Born China was fortunate enough to be invited to participate in two international wine events. The first was a wine tasting seminar at the Interwine Expo in Pazhou, given by Bernardo Vogt C., Asia Area Manager for Wines of Chile, an organisation promoting Chilean wines to consumer markets across the globe. The participants were treated to 6 Chilean wines, the most notable being a Cabernet Sauvignon from the Aconcagua Valley region. After the tasting, Fine Born China was also able to meet and chat with Nicolas Serrano from Pro Chile, Guangzhou.

    Elsewhere at the event, a wide range of delicious wines were sampled, among the most notable being some sweet Moscato D’Asti from the Italian Ghione winery; a range of delectable Riojas from Marques de Caceres, who produce the USA’s best-selling Spanish wine;  a wonderful red produced by Il Calepino; and a host of Valpolicella produced by la Collina dei Cilegi.
    In the evening, The Four Seasons, Guangzhou, played host to a wine tasting and publicity night for Las Grandes Pagos D’Espana. This conglomerate of Spanish Wine Estates, headed by Marques de Grinon president, Carlos Falco, is intended to represent the best of what Spain’s major wine producing regions has to offer and helps promote equality and excellence among Spanish wineries. Whilst all the wines available for tasting were a delight to the taste buds, particular mention must go to the the reds expertly produced by Bodega Mustiguillo using the temperamental Bobal grape, and the beautiful Cavas of Gramona and Recaredo, which were perfect remedy for the day’s scorching temperatures. The event was well organised by Asian Palate and presented by their Master of Wine, Jeannie Cho Lee, who made a knowledgeable and entertaining host, rounding off a very enjoyable wine-oriented day.

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