BMW 正式发布纯电动力车款 i3

编辑: Mavis 源于BMW  发表时间:2013-08-10 12:47

       近日, BMW公司正式发布旗下首款纯电动力轿车 i3。本著可持续发展的环保设计概念,该车款还充分与前卫科技结合,采用碳纤维复合材质在减轻整体重量的同时,亦提高的空气动力效率。而作为 BMW 出品,i3 亦以为驾驶者和乘坐著提供顶级的体验作为出发,最大输出 170 匹马力,0 到 60 英里仅需 7 秒,3 个小时的充电可续航 80 到 100 英里。而对于动力有所担忧的朋友,BMW 还将推出混合动力版车型以满足不同的需求。
      全新的 BMW i3 将于美国首发,定价从 $41,000 美元起。


BMW has officially unveiled the all-electric BMW i3, the first member of the German marque’s upcoming BMW i family of vehicles. The i3 is a study in sustainable design and utilizes cutting-edge materials like Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics to keep the weight down and a streamlined exterior for improved aerodynamic efficiency. Being a BMW, the engineers have ensured that the i3 remains an enjoyable driver’s car and while it won’t win any power awards, the i3 still boasts a punchy, 170 horsepower, electric powertrain capable of hitting 0-60 mph in 7 seconds. The i3 can be fully charged in roughly 3 hours and will do 80 to 100 miles per charge. For those of you worried about running out of juice in the middle of the commute, BMW will also be offering the i3 with Range Extender version that incorporates a two-cylinder gas engine to double the driving range. The BMW i3 range will be launching in the United States with a starting price of approximately $41,000 USD. Find out more at BMW.


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