Publish释出2014 春夏 “Joey” 渔夫帽

编辑: Mavis 图源于Publish官网  发表时间:2013-08-12 14:32

       来自南加州的品牌 Publish,向来以经典的五分帽款,以及低档束口裤(Jogger Pant)广受欢迎,最近于纽约长岛举行的 AGENDA LBC 上发表了自家的全新渔夫帽(Bucket Cap)款。为 2014 春夏推出的 “Joey” 水桶帽,名符其实以欢乐的缤纷色块拼接,呼应春夏的基本色调,模拟数位像素的表现方式,势必再度引起关注与爱戴。
       喜欢Publish品牌的发烧友可密切注意明年初的 Publish 专门店。

Publish is a company established around the principle of manufacturing goods that are classic, even timeless in their sensibility. Casual with an heir of sophistication. Publish brand is widely known for its reliance upon classic 5-panel camp caps and its Jogger Pant range. Territory that the Southern California label hasn’t yet made inroads on is the bucket cap.
 For Spring/Smmer 2014, the brand readies a new entrant into the headwear field via the “Joey” Bucket Hat. Mocked up in a rounded crown, the multi-colored checkered pattern boasts an almost digitized pixel vibe with the only explicit branding being seen on a small embroidery tag hit.
These will hit Publish stockists soon beginning in early 2014.




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