SSUR携手Been Trill推出 Snapback 联名帽款系列

编辑: Mavis 源于 SSUR  发表时间:2013-08-14 01:40


       近日,美国人气街头品牌 SSUR就邀来了知名 DJ 团体 Been Trill 携手展开合作,打造了一系列 Snapback 联名包款。在设计上,SSUR 与 Been Trill 则充分将各自签名式的大胆哥特式风格融合,三顶黑色的 Snapback 分别以 “FUCK TRILL” 与 “SSURBEENTRILL” 等刺绣字样营造出张扬的视觉效果。
目前,该系列帽款已可经由 SSUR 线上店铺购得。

Been Trill and SSUR have teamed up to produce a small collection of snapbacks. The offering consists of three black snapbacks, all featuring bold graphics and gothic script in SSUR and Been Trill’s signature styles. The Fuck Trill snapback features “FUCK TRILL” embroidered across the front; the Crown Starter snapback has “SSURBEENTRILL” around the body of the cap; and the All Over snapback features a smattering of graphics over the entire body of the hat. Shop the entire collection online at SSUR now.







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