所谓慢磨出细工,好的东西总是需要耐心等待的。近日,美国的潮流品牌Benny Gold终于推出了其与Pendleton以及JanSport的三方联名作品——Native系列,六件产品包括三个背包、一个马鞍毯、iPad保护套和一台笔记本电脑套。
精美的美洲原住民图案以及上等的面料,都让这漫长的等待变得那么值得。据悉该系列产品都是限量发售,可通过 Benny Gold 专门店或官网购买,喜欢的朋友可要抓紧了。
All good things come to those who wait, and finally Benny Gold has officially launched their Native Collection, produced in conjunction with Pendleton and JanSport. The six-piece collection consists of three backpacks, a saddle blanket, an iPad sleeve, and a laptop sleeve. All of which are accented by beautifully designed custom fabric based on Native American patterns.
There are limited quantities of each style available through the Benny Gold store and online counterpart, so head over to the convenient outlet to place an order before they disappear. Have a closer look at each item by scrolling down below.