诺基亚 Top 10 best selling mobile phones ever

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-09-03 08:00



诺基亚(Nokia Corporation)是一家总部位于芬兰埃斯波主要从事生产移动通信产品的跨国公司,诺基亚成立于1865年,当时以造纸为主,后来逐步向胶鞋、轮胎、电缆等领域,最后才发展成为一家手机制造商。自1996年以来,诺基亚连续14年占据市场份额第一。


近日,国外数码网站RETRIF总结出了Nokia 十大热卖手机排行榜。下面FineBornChina带你瞧瞧当年叱咤风云的Nokia 十大热卖手机,不知道曾经用过榜上诺基亚手机的你是否会想起那个Nokia时代。


Nokia’s made Nokia 1100 holds the distinct record of selling over 250 million units,the highest number of phones sold ever by any manufacturer.It is the only phone whose sales has crossed 200 million mark.The 1100 became the most sold consumer electronics in the world in 2007.Today our team at Retrify has come up with a list of highest selling mobiles phones ever in the history of consumer electronics.Some of the names of the phones in the list might not be familiar to you,but they are still serving the consumers in their daily work routine.


NO.1 Nokia 1110(2007年推出,共售出2.5亿台)

250 million units sold,Whoaa!! If there is a statistical mobile game,then there was one legendary one called “Snake game”.Do we remember it?Of course,we do.Aint’t we?




NO.2 Nokia 3210(1999年推出,共售出1.6亿台)

Quiet old device launched in 1999.Sold a total of 160 million units.



NO.3 Nokia 1200(2007年推出,共售出1.5亿台)

Nokia 1208′s predecessor,launched in 2007 reached sales of 150million units.Who can forget it’s soft plastic keyboards?



NO.4 Nokia 5230(2010年推出,共售出1.5亿台)

Nokia 5230,an absolute “arcade”.I believe there are still many users of Nokia 5230,because it was simply brilliant in terms of design and looks.After it was launched,a total of 150 units were sold.



NO.5 Nokia 3310(2000年推出,共售出1.36亿台)

Nokia 3310 classic.The word classic does have meaning to it.It had all the classic looks for a device to be boast of at that time.Was sold over 136 million times.



NO.6 Nokia 2600(2004年推出,共售出1.35亿台)

Nokia 2600.It had nice keyboard design which broke 135 million mark.

NO.7 Nokia 1600(2006年推出,共售出1.3亿台)

Motorola Razr V3(130 million units sold)was very impressive at that time.



NO.8 Nokia 1208(2007年推出,共售出1亿台)

Nokia 1600(135 million units sold).Perhaps you might have forgotten how it looks like, but you certainly will not forget about the classic football game which you had played on it during those golden days.


NO.9 Nokia 6010(2004年推出,共售出7500万台)

Nokia 1208, sold a total of 100 million in sales,which explains everything.

NO.10 Nokia 5130(2007年推出,共售出6500万台)

Nokia 6010,a total of 75 million units sold.At the time of launch,it was high-end color phone!



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