英国花卉风格 Garbstore 2013秋冬服装LOOKBOOK
由 Ian Paley 创办的英国时尚品牌Garbstore,向来秉承著 “Historically New” 的理念,以简约复古风格成为英国时尚界的潮流品牌。Garbstore将一些经典的古著服饰以全新摩登的概念剪裁或是素材重新打造,赋予摩登的灵魂使其重生为让人难以抗拒的时尚单品。
近日,Garbstore 释出其2013秋冬服装LOOKBOOK。该系列以“花卉”为中心主题。虽说花卉风格近年来的大火与泛滥成灾似乎令大众逐渐出现了视觉的审美疲累,但是尽管如此,Garbstore却以一种较为不同的方式全新演绎花卉风格。该系列包括有西装外套,纽扣衬衫等。整个系列以花卉图案贯穿,呈现出一股华丽风。细腻、精致,背景色彩与花卉图案配合得当,合身的剪裁以及独特的印制工艺都令人有耳目一新的感觉,如果读者热爱花卉风却又想追求更高层次的穿搭质感,Garbstore的这一季千万不要错过了。
London fashion label Garbstore prides itself in quality, vintage curation, appropriating timeless designs in light of modern-day. Each collection reflects the brand’s deftness towards detailed cut and sew, creating updated pieces without overlooking precision in how garments are best worn and fitted. Its 2013 fall/winter collection is another striking rendition, as bright floral patterns and nature-friendly prints seeps its way into the colder months. Iterating timeless staples like the button-up shirt and blazer, Garbstore continues the flamboyant motifs of summer with its fetching designs.