精巧别致 Stussy Deluxe 2013 秋季造型LOOOKBOOK

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-10-03 08:00

近日,美国知名街头品牌思达西(Stussy)高级副线Stussy Deluxe,发表2013秋冬Lookbook。该系列邀请了擅长多种乐器,谱曲以及制作的音乐人 Stuart Matthewman 出境。该系列包括长袖衬衫,外套,牛仔裤等等。每件单品均独一无二,使其看上去别有一番韵味,体现了 Stussy Deluxe 的高品质追求。

细看 Stussy Deluxe 2013 秋季造型LOOOKBOOK,品牌在本季试图传达著一种硬朗的乡间艺术风格,加上衣帽间道具的陪衬,整体更显精巧别致。











Coinciding with Stussy Deluxe‘s fall drop for 2013, the curtains have been pulled back on a new set of images featuring multi-instrumentalist, writer and producer Stuart Matthewman –  aka Cottonbelly. The lookbook itself features Matthewman in a series of styled looks, paired with a minimal wardrobe-esque installation adding a refined touch to the visuals. A selection of button-ups, outerwear, denim and select accessories lock down the offerings from Stussy’s Deluxe division, which holds itself to exemplary standards of design and construction.

The Fall 2013 Stussy deluxe collection is now available at Stussy chapter’s and the brand’s online store.

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