经典工装风格 Carhartt WIP 2013 秋冬造型
为了庆祝英国连锁潮牌集合店 size 与美国经典工装品牌 Carhartt 之间的长期合作关系,近日,size 为 Carhartt 街头概念支线 Carhartt WIP 打造了一组 2013 秋冬系列造型特辑,颇具看点。
Carhartt WIP 2013 秋冬造型
该系列拍摄取景于英国著名工业城市 Manchester(曼彻斯特),身穿时尚服饰的模特们通过不同视角完美展现 Carhartt 经典的工装风格。该系列设计上突显层次感,运用深酒红、橄榄绿、海军蓝与黑灰等迎合秋冬季节氛围的色调为主轴,并融入些许亮眼的黄色、橘色和蓝色点缀增加跳脱感。
仔细欣赏该系列,细心的潮人们会发现 Nike,New Balance 和 Spring Cour 等复古鞋。潮人们没有看错,该系列特意采用这样的复古鞋做搭配,起到了锦上添花的作用,更好地展现品牌新装。据悉,该系列以完整登陆 Carhartt WIP 门店以及在线商店。喜欢该系列的小伙伴们可要行动了。
As a celebration of their longstanding relationship, the UK’s size? has crafted an in-house Fall/Winter 2013 lookbook featuring the latest garb from Carhartt and its Work In Progress range. Shot in an industrial-era basement in the heart of Manchester, the editorial is indicative of Carhartt’s Detroit roots thanks to a functional, stripped-back aesthetic. Piecing together the label’s contemporary takes on its own workwear designs, Carhartt’s seasonal range is further highlighted by the by a handpicked selection of footwear from Nike, New Balance and Spring Court. Each of the featured Carhartt WIP pieces is now available in-store and online.