弧度美 Samsung Galaxy Round

编辑: Mavis 图源于网络  发表时间:2013-10-16 08:00

智能手机的市场饱满度可谓是十分充盈。在巨大压力的作用下,各大手机品牌都绞尽脑汁不断创意设计新手机,Samsung 亦是如此。近日,Samsung 正式释出世界上第一款采用弧面屏幕设计的智能手机 GALAXY Round。

GALAXY Round 外观最大的特点就是从左侧到右侧呈一定弧度弯曲的5.7英寸显示屏。奢华棕色配色堪比土豪金。GALAXY Round 手机搭载 1300 万像素的摄像头,支持自动对焦和闪光灯功能,
还有 200 万像素的前置摄像头。GALAXY Round 将运行最新的 Android 4.3 作业系统,主频高达 2.3 GHz,内置四核处理器和 3GB RAM。GALAXY Round 采用弧面屏设计,在平置手机时因为其曲面的特质,用户可以通过按压手机侧边唤醒屏幕,显示未读信息、时间等信息;而通话时也能更加贴合面部,符合人体工学设计。

GALAXY Round 新功能


After a flood of rumors, Samsung has unveiled the Galaxy Round: the world’s first smartphone to eschew a flat display in favor of a horizontal concave curve. Running
Android 4.3 with its own proprietary Touch Wiz interface, the Galaxy Round comes powered by a 2.3GHz MSM 8974 quad-core processor – with 32GB of internal storage and 3MB of RAM – and sports a 5.7″ 1080p HD display and weighs in at just 5.4 ounces with a slim 0.3″ thick profile. Like the S4 and Note 3, the Galaxy Round features a 13MP camera with autofocus and flash in addition to a 2MP forward-facing camera. Highlighted by the design are brand new “roll” and “gravity” effects that expand gesturing by allowing users to access glance and music-centric screens with a rock of the device.

Samsung’s Galaxy Round is set to first launch in Korea before making
its way to additional markets.




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