设计师 Robert Gülpen 曾经在迪拜对外发表纯金版本的 Lamborghini Aventador 的设计图,如今,Lamborghini Aventador 车模完成品终于释出了。
外观 VS 内装
Lamborghini Aventador 车模完成品车的主打颜色为纯金色。它由一颗重达500公斤的纯金石雕刻打造而成,成品最终重达25公斤。内装方面,每张座椅上面都镶有700颗小钻石,头灯与尾灯则是由钻石精密雕刻而成。
充满气派的黄金成品,代表着奢华、富裕与尊贵。初眼望去,小小的 Lamborghini Aventador 车模成品令人感到一股奢华时尚风。确实,它的定位价格也十分昂贵,要价750万美金,比真实的Lamborghini还贵。据悉,价值750万美金 Lamborghini Aventador 车模完成品即将开售,土豪们,你们会出手吗?
Lamborghini Aventador scale-model made out of solid gold previewed in Dubai
Lamborghini Aventador is every person’s poster-car, it is the realization of the dream car we’ve thought all day as a child. But it’s quite expensive actually, just about 400,000 US $. However, the actual full size Aventador may actually now look dirt-cheap as the world tries to get hold of its senses after knowing that this scale model Aventador is worth 7.5 million US $. 7,500,000 dollars!
The scale model will weigh around 25 kg or 55 pounds and will be built out of a 500 kg or 1,100 pounds block of solid gold. A man named Robert Gulpen is behind this mad project which was first announced in 2011 but now, it’s time to build it. As there’s a showroom in Dubai which has the scale model of the gold scale model to be built on display so people can get an idea about the actual model. Lamborghini is also involved in this project as digital models of the car will be given to a five-axis milling machine which will an aluminum mod.