Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto is holding an exhibition titled, Out of the Box: The Ride of Sneaker Culture, currently in their spacious museum. It chronicles the
start of sneakers, as well as the classics silhouettes from major athletic brands, alongside recent sneaker designs from fashion labels. Whether you are into
vintage, athletic, or fashion sneakers, this exhibit encompasses the sneaker phenomenon in the broadest sense.
Bata Shoe Museum展出的运动鞋展——“创造性:运动鞋文化之崛起 (Out of the Box: The Rise of Sneaker Culture) ”!Nike、Puma等运动品牌自然是要占一席之地,而Christian Louboutin、Jimmy Choo、Lanvin等时装品牌也曾推出过风味独特的鞋款,将时尚与运动糅合在一起。许多具有历史意义的古董鞋一一现身,比如第一代Air Jordan篮球鞋,又或者五十年代的匡威经典款,而新锐艺术家Josh Wisdumb、怪才设计师杰瑞米·斯科特 (Jeremy Scott) 等人与品牌合作推出的联名系列则用新奇设计为运动鞋注入蓬勃生命力。