英国老字号Grenson Grenson作为英国最有名望的鞋履大厂之一,自19世纪以来就以高超的制鞋工艺及与时俱进的设计博得大众青睐。近日,Grenson正式发布了品牌2013年秋冬季新品系列。
老牌英国手工鞋艺的经典呈现,这是Grenson 2013秋冬季新品,看到一双双古典雅致的皮鞋排列,乡绅的高贵以及骚人墨客的美感融于其中,牛皮与麂皮等各式材质以牛津雕花刻出繁复细节。
Grenson 2013年秋冬季新品系列兼备英国鞋款的内敛并不断融合全新元素的创作理念让这家“英国老字号”在年轻人群众享有不错的声誉。无论高筒靴子或是平底便鞋都让着用者造型加分,在舒适性以及耐用度上更是一把罩。哪款颜色鞋履最吸引你的眼球呢?
All Grenson shoes are “Goodyear Welted”, a process invented in the 1800′s in England that is a time consuming way of making shoes, but means that the product lasts longer than any other type of shoes. It also means that the shoe can be re-soled many times over making them a wonderful investment.
For the Fall/Winter 2013, Grenson shoes features new colours like navy blue, bottle green grain leather and fluor. They are quirky but wearable and also totally versatile.