众多时尚服饰品牌都跟随着这股浮夸风,纷纷推出主打商品。而来自芬兰的设计师同名潮牌Daniel Palillo也抢先机发布2013春夏季度新品,并成功获得潮人们的青睐。
Daniel Palillo2013春夏季度新品依旧体现其前卫夸张充满趣味感的设计理念。怪诞剪裁,大尺寸比例,趣味感图案,极富立体感的结构,这些都是Daniel Palillp的美学理念和个人风格的最直接体现。
Daniel Palillo is back with the biggest collection of his seven-year career as a designer. Paradoxically, in all its
vastness, spring/summer 2014 celebrates the art of dreamy, short working days. It is a call for slackers* to unite: to wear
their pajamas to work, and do what they like.
Working life, according to Palillo, should not be about what one does but about the way in which he or she does it—or what makes them do it. “You just need to find your music,” he says. Like a method actor, Palillo aspires to complete emotional identification with his designs. Right now, they channel street views from strolling around in New York.
Me Against the World attempts to generate with clothing the empowering feeling that one gets from listening to great songs.
Try wearing a t-shirt that says ‘Eat my’ written on it with rainbow-colored letters or a romantic flower-patterned beret
and see where this takes you. Be bold and stay cool.