一副唯美的图片往往需要很多因素的构成,既要完成作品的拍摄,又要将自己的气息思想放入作品之中,确实是一件十分不易的事情。来自乌克兰的摄影师Oleg Oprisco,喜欢拍摄人物照片,而且喜欢6X6的画幅。他的每幅照片似乎都有着自己的气氛,色调、构图、主题和情感才最终和谐共存于同一幅画面中。
Oleg Oprisco创作的人物照在我看来是非常触动人心的——每幅照片似乎都有着自己的气氛,唤醒各种感官的同时也将这些感官感受融进了他的作品。得益于Oprisco这样天才的脑袋,色调、构图、主题和情感才最终和谐共存于同一幅画面中。而他的个人风格又是如此强烈,以至于你一眼就能认出他的作品。
His Pictures speak for them self. Oprisco shoot in medium format film cameras. He uses film for the way to experience the making of every shot, the reason
behind every click, its formulation and its nature. This makes him so special. More emotional value with a perfect combination of aesthetic value. Oprisco likes
to capture couples and women in their natural atmosphere, kindling the mood and turmoil of the relationships.Excellent Composition skills and we can sense his