摄影师Matthew Christopher拍摄了这一组“被遗弃的美国”,用镜头捕抓下横跨美国最荒凉的地方。而这些荒败的景物都是曾今极为辉煌的所在,只是在历史的长河中,猛一转身便失掉了原有的色彩。这些被遗弃的空间,腐蚀的辉煌,无论是酒店、工厂抑或是教堂,它们见证着变迁,静静地看着身上的光芒渐渐地远去,不曾呼喊,只是安静地接受地等待。
Philadelphia-based photographer Matthew Christopher’s ‘Abandoned America’ series chronicles the beauty and history of America’s decaying and
deteriorating buildings.
Christopher first started documenting abandoned buildings as part of research on the declining state hospital system. He has since moved on to
photograph abandoned schools, prisons, hotels, theaters, factories and churches.
He finds peace in exploring ruins and abandoned buildings, and feels that he is able to focus entirely on the experience, instead of always
“being wrapped up” in his thoughts.
Christopher is now considered an authority on “urban blight and the efforts to preserve America's endangered architectural history”.